2024 MUG Power Cup Standings

2024 Final Standings






Propis, Chris 6 Y -10 1
Sorrick, David 5 Y -10 2
Raese, John 3 Y -8 3
Manley, Jason 3 Y -6 4
Stoughton, Patrick 5 Y -4 5
Thompson, Jeff 4 Y -4 6
Stewart, Jay 3 Y -3
Rasmussen, Eric 4 Y -2
Howe, Jeff 7 Y -1
Kuraly, Peter 3 Y 0


MUG Power Cup Challenge Description

The goal is to encourage participation in the monthly outings and create competition in addition to the MUG championship.

Season Long Race
Must play in 3 events to qualify
Cumulative net to par
-1 stroke for every event played
-2 for playing in the Member Championship
-2 for each event beyond 4 events played

Ex. (5 events played + Mem Champ):
+10 total -6 for events -1 extra for Mem Champ  = +3

1st: $500, 2nd: $350, 3rd: $200, 4th: $100, 5th: $50